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2022-11-04 13:01:19|红果资源站小编 |来源:投稿


  • 1、dh劳伦斯英文简介
  • 2、劳伦斯小说创作的特点
  • 3、劳伦斯的生平事迹有哪些?
  • 4、劳伦斯简介




David Herbert Lawrence (commonly known as D · Lawrence), 20th century British novelist, critic, poet, painter. Representative works are "son and lover", "rainbow", "love in the woman" and "Lady Chatterley's lover" and so on.

Lawrence was born in the miners family, when the butcher accounting, factory employees and primary school teachers, had drunk at home and abroad for more than a decade, the reality of critical criticism. Lawrence wrote poems, but mainly wrote novels. He created 10 novels in his life, 11 short stories, 4 plays, 10 poems, 4 essays, 5 theoretical works, 3 travels and a large number of letters.


Lawrence was born on September 11, 1885 in the town of Nottinghamshire, England. In later literary creation, he often used his hometown as a place for the occurrence and development of the story, which he calls "my beloved place". Lawrence graduated from Nottingham High School. After that, he worked at a surgical facility in Blackwood Township, where he left Pneumonia. During the recuperation, he often went to Chambers House's Hayes farm to visit, met Jessie Chambers and some other young people. Their common interest is reading.

From 1902 to 1906, Lawrence was a teacher at a primary school in Isheswood. In these years, Lawrence began writing poetry, while writing novels. In 1907 he won the short story contest in the Nottingham Guardian. In 1908, he was a teacher certificate at the University of Nottingham. In the autumn of the same year, he left home to London, while teaching, continue to write. His poems were presented by Jesse Chambers to the then-influenced "British Review" editor, Ford McDowell.

In 1909, Ford published the poems in the British commentary. In the same year, Ford also published Lawrence's short story "Chrysanthemum", which caused the publisher Heineman's attention, and Heineman contacted him for further publication. His mother died in 1910. He and his mother's relationship is very close, the mother's death to become a turning point in his life. After the death of the mother, Lawrence had suffered from pneumonia and later developed into a lung disease that led to his premature death.

In 1911, Lawrence stopped teaching and was determined to write for a living. This year, his novel "White Peacock" available, Lawrence officially began writing career. Lawrence also writes and revises "son and lover" at the same time.

In 1912, Lawrence in Italy completed the "son and lover", published in 1913, his friend Edward cut off more than 100 pages in the editor, Lawrence was very satisfied with this. After the publication of the novel has been recognized by critics. In the same year, they returned to England to do a short stay, met the publisher John Middletown Murray and the New Zealand-born short story writer Catherine Mansfield. They soon returned to Italy, Lawrence began to write "Rainbow" and "love in the woman." These two pieces of work explores some of the potential factors that affect marriage, personal achievement, and interpersonal relationships.

During the First World War, Lawrence for peace, his wife because the Germans, the couple can not get a passport, continue to be the official harassment. They were accused of spying in Germany, and in 1917 they were officially expelled from Cornwall, and until 1919 they were allowed to immigrate abroad. This year is the beginning of their wandering life. The experience of this period of persecution was later described in his autobiography chapter of the novel "Kangaroo" published in 1923. After this has been to Lawrence died, they spent more than ten years of wandering life; this experience Lawrence called "barbaric pilgrimage."

In 1915, "Rainbow" came out. It was a story about the growth of the two sisters in the north of England, and it was banned by the government on obscenity. At this time Lawrence began writing "lost girl", failed to complete, in 1920 and rewrite and revision.

After the First World War, Lawrence left the UK, then only go back twice, do short stay. He traveled wives with his wife and traveled to several countries and regions, including Australia, Italy, Sri Lanka, North Africa, Mexico, France and Sicily, where he lived only in every place.

In 1922, they went to the United States, want to live in the United States, but the body does not allow. Lawrence lived on the farmhouse in Taos, Mexico, for the most long time, and there was a few years before and after, where he had dreamed of building a utopian society, but his lungs were serious, and in 1925 he had to return to Florence, Italy. During this period, he continued to revise "Lady Chatterley's Lover", published in Paris in 1928 as a private version.

In 1930, Lawrence died of lung disease in the south of France, at the age of 44 years. Her wife's third husband later placed his ashes in a small church in the New Mexico Mountains.


Theme of the work


The theme of Lawrence's creation is the relationship between man and society, man and nature, man and man, man and woman, but the most drunk is the relationship between man and woman. In describing male and female sexual relations, Lawrence uses breakthrough area , Boldly touched the "sex" that everyone has it, need it but let the world talk about sex change topic. In his novels, from his long virgin "white peacock" to "son and lover", "rainbow", "love of women", "Lady Chatterley's lover", many times a large section of large section The story of sex scenes, Lawrence, whether it is to write human sex, or write the desire of animals, and he tried to find the bottom of life to find ways to redeem human links, such as "Lady Chatterley's lover", Lawrence At the pen and ink, vividly described the sex, "aimed at the beauty of display and its importance" is the love of praise and praise, and thus imprisoned love, depressed love, distorted love, alienated love of Western industrial civilization was strong Attack and punish.

He sees sex as an experience with mysticism, although the theme of sex in his work is evolving. On the eve of the First World War, he saw the war as a battle of love and hate. Thus, in 1912 he wrote "The Love in the Haystack", "Son and Lover", and the two novels "Rainbow" and "Woman in Love" written by him in 1913. Have the meaning. In this war, he more and more "male tenderness" as the source of love. He made this theme full of poetic and powerful development of works such as "dead man", "feathered serpent" and "Lady Chatterley's lover".

A line that runs through all his works is class consciousness. It is characterized by the combination of a lower class man and a woman of the upper class. Upper class men are usually malaise, lack of human instincts. In Lawrence's pen, class differences reveal dramatic and powerful effects in novels such as "Son and Valentine", "Rainbow", "Feather Snake" and "Lady Chatterley's Lover". Strokes, in the "haystack of love" in the enhanced light and dark contrast.

Lawrence's world travel and his strong hatred of industrialism make the early culture more attractive to him. In the "Lemma Storm" and "Feather Snake", he saw from the New Mexico and the Mexican Indians who dull, mysterious knowledge than the European educated mind closer to the origin and essence of life The He is keen to deepen the theme of his work with mysticism. This is also expressed in other ways. "Brotherhood" - it is deeper than the feelings of ordinary friends, the fit between the two men, but not homosexual - always attract his ideas, especially in the "love of women" and "plume Snake "in the show. In the "haystack of love", the lack of "brotherhood" between the two brothers is one of the causes of the conflict, and the settlement of this conflict depends on Lawrence designed a theme of the successful conclusion of the fighting The This is a man and woman between the full of love and hate battle. Another contradictory theme is the manifestation of Lawrence's "Leadership Dream": a man will dominate the dominant position, while the other will be his disciples to look to him. "Aaron's cane" (1992) and "kangaroo" theme is the case. "Feather serpent" (1926) is mixed with the "brothers hand and foot feeling" side of the write.


Lawrence's poems can be broadly divided into early, middle and late stages. Most of his early poems were autobiographical. And in the middle, Lawrence's eyes turned to nature. He expresses the love of birds and animals in vivid language. In Lawrence's late poetry. He mainly expressed his views on death and rebirth.

Artistic characteristics

In writing, Lawrence relies on inspiration. Inspired when he was extremely excited to write, the source of creativity to Chung; lack of inspiration, he simply put pen. He never wrote notes, but with memory. When he began to pen, and the emergence of "the spirit of excitement of a brake", the past is always lifelike to show in front of him. The background of the "haystack love" is based on this vivid memories: memories of the "Hughes" farm scene. This is where he and Jesse Chambers met and loved. He is not very particular about "writing the art of writing" or "the skill of poetry", so he writes novels, poems and stories that are always loose in form. But because of his life experience is very strong, still received a compact coherence effect.









































半夏又叫三叶半夏、半月莲、三步跳,拉丁学名pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit.






半夏是天南星科的多年生草本植物。具球形块茎,直径从0.5 cm到3.0cm不一,叶片着生在块茎的顶端,叶柄的下部有一个白色或棕色珠芽。半夏为单性花,花序轴下着生着雌花,无花被;半夏的雄花为白色,着生在花序轴的上部,同样无花被,雄蕊密集地聚成圆筒形,与雌花被间隔在花序轴的两端;半夏的佛焰苞在合围处有一个小孔,可以连通上下,花序末端呈现出尾状,从中伸出绿色或浅紫色的佛焰苞,为直立状或呈S形弯曲。

















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